
"He thought more and more how he hated"

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Chapter 9 - In the Witch's House

Edmund didn't enjoy God's good creation, because he wanted his sinful delights instead. He also becomes irrationally selfish, taking offense at being snubbed when he wasn't being snubbed. He feels horror at Aslan's mention, as the witch does, where the others feel delight. He suppresses the truth in unrighteousness (Rom 1:18), though, knowing the witch is bad but convincing himself otherwise.

The road is hard for the foolish. At nightfall, snowing, then windy, with no coat, he makes his way to the witch, feeding his discomfort with more resentment of Peter - "just as if all this had been Peter's fault."

Fear seizes the foolish. He dreaded Aslan's mention, but seeing the witch's house brings no comfort. Instead it brings more fear when he sees his first stone statue. This gives way to mockery, but he "didn't really get any fun out of jeering at it." Attempts at mirth fall flat for the fool.

With the witch and the wolf and the dwarf, it is all cold cruelty, no kindness. Once she has her information from Edmund she "no longer attend[ed] to him." Sin and evil are mercilessly mercenary and utilitarian. She uses people to get her way. The beavers use things to enjoy people and serve the King.

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