
Turkish Delight

The witch, like Tumnus, knows about Adam. Even the devil believes, and trembles. Yet she claims Narnia as her "dominions." She is capricious and arbitrary, the opposite of Aslan, quick to insult and nearly kills Edmund on the spot. But instead she wins him to her side, applying her magical (spiritual) power to his own sinful desire for Turkish Delight. She also knows the prophecies about 4 humans sitting on 4 thrones restoring Narnia, and asks him about it. So she tempts him further, as Satan did with Adam and later with Jesus, not just with the physical desire for food but with power over Narnia and over his siblings. She drives off laughing and friendly, but her countenance surely turned to dreadful hatred and fear once out of sight. Lucy returns from Tumnus very jolly, while Edmund is sulky and short with her, the after-effects of sinful indulgence in temptation. She tells her view of the witch, and Edmund believes it deep down, but wants more Turkish Delight. So his sin also drives him to prideful disdain, not wanting to admit he is wrong, keeping secrets when he had no need to do so, and lying about how he feels. Indulging sin leads you to do some pretty rotten stuff, and we see more of it in the next chapter. Edmund is becoming like the witch: fearful of and hating the truth, but knowing it deep down, with the tension driving one to malice against all goodness.

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