
Bible Notes - Exodus 19-23 - Sinai and the Law

Exodus 19 - Israel comes to Sinai.  God's promise to take Israel as His people.  He keeps them from touching the mountain, and comes down.

Jesus is a greater Moses, who goes up and down the mountain, between us and God

Apply - encountering God is usually awesome.  Approaching Him in Christ is even greater (see Hebrews 12:18-29).

Exodus 20 - God speaks the 10 commandments.  Israel is overwhelmied by it and ask Moses to mediate.  Altar laws.

Jesus is the fulfillment of the law (Romans 10:4), and our mediator with God (1 Timothy 2:5).

Apply - God Himself emphasized the 10 commandments by physically speaking them

 - encountering God will likely overwhelm you.

Exodus 21-22 - laws limiting slavery, for human dignity.  Laws for just recompense when damage is done

Jesus - though we violated God's honor with our sin, He paid the required punishment.

Apply - these laws get a lot of flak, but God gave them to restrain our tendency to take advantage of others.

Exodus 23 - give your animals, land, and selves REST.  Keep feasts to me three times a year.

 - promise and command: you will take the land.  When you do, don't bow down to their gods.

Jesus gives us rest.

Apply - we may not seek life and pleasure outside God's design.

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