
Look upon the Body

David and Goliath includes a gruesome part that doesn’t make it into the Bible story pictures too often.   After the sling and stone, David cuts off Goliath’s head with his own sword!

Once that happens, once everyone sees the dead body, the battle is over.  And yet, it has yet to begin. Once the body is seen dead, the Philistines flee; the Israelites arise and shout and pursue.

Ps 20:7 - "we trust in the name of Yahweh."  This is the same idea as "Do this in remembrance of me."

And this is where we find ourselves in the story, here at the Lord's Table.  With a different Body before us. But when the Body of our Lord Jesus was affirmed dead by the Roman soldiers, the victory was won. But then a plot twist. Jesus comes back to life, His Body raised from death, and here it is before you. Our proper response is to arise, shout and pursue the Philistines.

But remember where the body is, that is before you. YOU are the Body of Christ, Paul writes to the church. The Body of our Lord is not actually before you on the table. It is seated at God's right hand!  And it is seated all around you. You are united with Jesus, and you, His Body, are fed by faithful eating and drinking from this table.


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