
Passover and Parting of the Sea - Bible Notes - Exodus 12-15

Exodus 12 - Passover is the first day of your calendar year.  Take a lamb for each house.  Kill it and put its blood on the door.  Eat no leaven.  Tell your children why in future years.  Death came at midnight.  Egypt is plundered.  600,000 Israelite men leave, after 430 years.  Need to be circumcised to eat Passover in the future.

Jesus is the Lamb: when God sees His blood, the death we deserve passes us by.

Apply - mark major moments of God saving you with concrete practices that make it special.

Exodus 13 - God claims the firstborn of every man and beast.  Kill or make a lamb sacrifice for the animals.  God leads Israel by pillars of cloud and fire the long way around so they won't face war right away.

Jesus is the firstborn of God, and also the Lamb that spares them their death.

Apply - we give God the first of what He gives us - NOT the leftovers when we think we are doing okay!

Exodus 14 - Egypt attacks.  Israel freaks.  God parts the sea, and delays Egypt.  Israel escapes through the sea.  Pharaoh tries to chase them through the sea, but drowns.

Jesus is The WAY through the sea, providing escape and deliverance from God's enemies.

Apply - don't freak out when Christ's enemies attack you.  Look to God's power.

Exodus 15 - Moses praises God in song for defeating Egypt.  The women echo response.  Israel moves on.  Water is scarce and bitter.  God miraculously restores it.

Jesus leads us in praising God.  He is our living water.

Apply - we ought to create and compose culture (songs, poems, paintings, etc.) in response to God's redemptive acts.

 - we tend to complain quickly instead of wait patiently for God's provision.

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