
The Ministry of Jesus - Mark 1 - Bible Notes


1. John appears as an Elijah, preparing the way for Messiah Jesus.

2. Jesus is baptized, tempted, and begins His work.

3. Every aspect of His ministry is extreme:

 - His message: the Kingdom of God is here!

 - He draws sons from their father

 - He impresses the Harvard of the day (Capernaum) with His authoritative teaching

 - He sends demons away, who call Him Holy One

4. He does this in each town, pursuing the actual work, and not the popularity.  He prays early in the morning.

5. He points healed lepers to the law.


1. We usually need preparation to meet Jesus.  Pray before you read the Bible.  When you have extra time, use it well to equip yourself for the next coming crisis.

2. We are often tempted shortly after experiencing a spiritual high.  Be able to navigate the highs and lows of life faithfully.

3. Following Jesus is a radical enterprise.  He wants your whole life, and in return will deal with all of the deepest problems in your life.

4. Substance over symbolism.  Pursue the work, not the popularity and good perception of others.

5. Jesus doesn't shrug off the law of God (the Old Testament!), but points us to do it.  The ritual parts of it, He fulfills in a way that we don't have to anymore (sacrifices).  But learn from all of God's commands.

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