
Life lessons from Jesus' Passion - Matthew 26 - Bible Notes

What happened?

  1. The Sanhedrin plots to kill Jesus secretly.
  2. Jesus is anointed in Bethany with expensive perfume.
  3. Judas agrees to make the secret arrest happen, for money.
  4. At Passover, Jesus predicts His betrayal by one of the disciples.
  5. Jesus establishes the Lord's Supper, and predicts Peter's denial.
  6. The Gethsemane prayer and arrest.  His trial before the Sanhedrin.


  1. God's enemies do not fight fairly with His people.
  2. No sacrifice is too great for Jesus.
  3. You'll be tempted to accept worldly benefits if you'll chip away at your loyalty to Jesus.
  4. Jesus knows when this happens, and when we give in to temptation.
  5. Jesus is our Passover Lamb, and wants us to remember it as we remember His death.  Our resolutions to stay loyal to Jesus, like Peter's, ring so hollow when we look at our lives objectively, as Jesus knows us.
  6. Jesus knew the agony that was coming for Him, but submitted to God's will.  Can we submit our lives to Him, not knowing what is coming?  What if it means social disdain and condemnation from society?  Some Christians are too reluctant to give that up - others are too willing to do so.

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