
Golden Calf! Bible Notes - Exodus 32-34

Exodus 32 - Israel gives up on Moses and asks for other gods.  Aaron complies, makes the calf and altar.  Israel worships and "plays."  God tells Moses He will destroy them.  Moses intercedes, goes down, breaks the tablets and the calf, rebukes Aaron, sends Levites to kill 3000 sinners.  He then goes back up Sinai to ask God to condemn him in Israel's place!

Jesus is a greater Moses who pleads for God to spare His people by punishing Him instead.

Apply - we are quick to forsake God and self-control.  We want to make our own gods, so we can play on our own terms.

Exodus 33 - God says He won't go with Israel to Canaan.  (God would meet with Moses face to face in the tent of meeting.)  Moses intercedes successfully again and asks to see God's glory.

Jesus - we see God face to face in Christ.  Jesus gets God's presence to be with us because Jesus finds favor in God's sight.

Apply - we don't deserve Gods' presence of blessing, and rightly mourn its loss.  There is no point desiring blessing/heaven/Canaan apart from God's presence.

Exodus 34 - God passes by Moses - He is merciful but also punishes the guilty.  He promises to drive the Canaanites out - Israel may not ally with them in marriage or in worship.  God summarizes Exodus 21-24 again.  Moses is on Sinai for another 40 days.  He comes down, face shining.  He veils so he can interact with Israel.

Jesus knows God's presence and character perfectly.  At the Transfiguration we see God's glory reflected in Him, but He hid it during His earthly ministry for our good.

Apply - God is brighter than we can stand, but makes Himself known to us in plain ways.  He is merciful and just.

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