
1 Corinthians 15

What a rich, deep chapter!

Jesus rose from death back to life. Scripture foretold it. It makes no sense to reject it and still say there is life after death for others. Paul flatly says that all his preaching of Messiah Jesus bringing us the righteousness of God is a fraud and useless if there is no resurrection.

A glorious look at the relationship on the last day between the Father, Son and creation. I have several post-millenial friends, whom I greatly respect, that rely on vss 24-26 for their view that all other enemies, except death, will be destroyed by the last day. I can see how they make the inference, but don't see it as such a tight or necessary inference as they do. I think Paul's description also allows for destroying other enemies besides death, as He returns, a la Rev 19-20. What do you think? In any case, Jesus will return to His Father a fully restored and redeemed world, with everything set in its proper order.

Striking how similar this is to Romans 5:12-21 - the first and second Adam.
We are born and die as offspring of the first, earthly Adam. But our new life as seed of Jesus Christ has already begun (before our old one has died), and will continue more glorious at the resurrection on the last day.

Death's sting has already been taken away, though it is not completely conquered. But knowing that death WILL be no more, we can plow in hope, knowing our labor will have eternal reward, carrying over from this life to the next. What we do in this life truly echoes in eternity.

(25 references to the Old Testament found in 1 Corinthians 15)

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