
General Synod - Day 2 - homosexual dialogue forum

Just back from the forum on the homosexual dialogue. I am deflated, and not because I'm exhausted. My roommate, says he's crawling out of his skin, and it was hard for him to remain seated and in the room. This post is co-written with him.

The dialogue facilitator is a licensed psychologist. He is designing the process with the perspective of conflict mediation, where the goal is that two parties disagreeing on this issue co-exist, neither coming to agreement and both finding a way to minister to the homosexual out of their own perspective. He said the goal of the process is to create a language that can keep us together. This makes unity a higher value than truth (interpreting Scripture rightly).

We have two opposing views. One brings the Gospel (good news) of being free to act on homosexual tendencies, the other brings the Gospel of freedom from homosexual behavior. How can we be united in mission, when the missions are diametrically oppoosed?

There was no presence of Scripture as a guiding force. They confined the Spirit's work to guiding us in our conflict and emotions, ignoring His message in the Word which convicts of sin. Indeed, sin was entirely absent from the discussion.

Our only hope then is for a course correction to this process, which will assume the sinfulness of homosexual behavior as revealed in Scripture. There are overtures heading this way. We'll keep you informed!

Our reverend General-Secretary gives his report tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Steve, I wish I could say this is a surprise to me, but sadly this is exactly what I expected. Keep the faith, I will keep praying for you and all the delegates. I wish I was there, but I know much more can be accomplished as I share with those battling for the faith once for all delivered to the saints though my prayers.

    One question. Have they allowed the "We Believe" statement to be read yet?
