
General Synod - Day 6 - Finances and Communion

Last half day of Synod in the morning was finances and assessments (church taxes). GS is financed by a per-member amount paid by congregations, through classis, to GS. Lots of assertions made that raising the assessment would only be half a can of pop, but when you multiply by members, it adds up to tens of thousands. Easy to raise taxes when it's spread out over 170,000 members.

After synod closed and we gave General Secretary Wes a talking Charlie (Chocolate Factory) for his birthday tomorrow, and sang to him, we went to a final worship service, with communion. After all the discussion and debate and disagreement with them, there was something surreal about having the president of General Synod saying, "This is the body of Christ," the General Secretary saying "This is the blood of Christ, drink and live," dipping the bread in the wine, spilling a little on my fingers, then spiritually partaking with Jesus' body.

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