
General Synod - Day 2 - President's report

President Irving Rivera - synopsis of his "report." It was actually a sermon.

I'm a preacher. Church is experiencing exciting times. Churchill: "This was their finest hour." Yes, we have conflicts, but so did NT church, and they grew during and through it. We are declining, but also transforming. Planting and revitalizing churches isn't the most important thing; the presence of God is. Exodus 33-34. God says, "I'm not going with you." Moses says, "No deal. We aren't going either, then." God says, "Okay, I'll go, but if they continue in sin, I'll kill them all." And He did! 2 Chronicles 7:11; Isaiah 57:15. Don't find yourself resisting God. God dwells with the obedient. And with worshippers. Both of these must be defined and conformed to the Word of God. Worship sets us free - Acts 16:25. When you have God's presence, you don't need "special gimmicks." Worship brings fruitfulness - Isa 54:1. No worship brings barrenness. Spurgeon: a church without the Spirit is a curse, not a blessing, standing in someone else's way."

Those are the best highlights.

Afternoon was devoted to a report for our 10-year goal to start x number of churches and revitilize x number of churches by 2013.

Now off to a forum on the homosexuality dialogue. Yay!

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