
Art // History // Kingdom

FLF - We have to take the arts to the people, but our Christian elites protect their empires instead of giving to artists.  This piece turned out to be an ad for LOOR.tv.  But it is true that the common man is persuaded in part by aesthetics.  Fight Laugh Feast, Winter 2022, pg 22.  "There's No Luther without Lucas."

Claremont - Historian Allen Guelzo critiques a woke history of America.  Lots of good history tucked into the critique!  "The Puritans and Pilgrims were, in the eyes of polite British society, nothing more than religious nuts with guns; two centuries later, the Mormons looked much the same."   "We deserve something better than a critical narrative of dreariness and despair."

Richard Pratt summarizes the Kingdom of God well.  God is its King, creation is its place, people are its servants.  God "chose to use people over the course of history...  redeemed, faithful human beings are the primary means by which the kingdom of God will come."  Tabletalk, Nov 2021, pg 4.

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