
Earthly Love // Secularism // Hoping in the Void

Cruciform Way - "A Love Like Theirs."  Devotions by Rev. Christopher Thoma.
71 years of marriage is quite the contrast to Axl Rose screaming about how many women he can have!  The death of saints and their love together in this life is precious.

"Ruler over All" - Ken Myers - Touchstone
Myers shows how prophetic TS Eliot was to warn us of a coming secularism.  The church must be her own culture, now.

"Searching for Hope" - Calvin Stapert - Touchstone
My old music professor (!) surveys the thought and music of Beethoven, Brahms, and Mahler, finding in each a search for hope.  All were Romantics who believed they would find answers in music.  But since each intentionally left out the person of Jesus, they fell short of their goal.

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