
Genesis 33-36; John 18-19

Genesis 33 - Jacob meets Esau humbly, and diplomatically avoids closer alliance.

34 - A daughter of Jacob is raped by a Philistine.  Her brothers avenge her deceptively, using circumcision!

35 - God sends Jacob to Bethel, and reaffirms His promises.  Benjamin is born as Rachel dies at Bethlehem.  The 12 sons are listed, and Isaac dies.

36 - Esau's descendants listed.

John 18 - Judas takes a crowd to arrest Jesus.  The power of His word makes them fall.  Peter swings a sword to resist, but Jesus stops it.  Taken to Caiaphas, Peter denies to the servants knowing Jesus, to stay out of trouble.  Caiaiphas sends Jesus to Pilate, who tries to get Him off, but the Jews demand insurrectionist Barabbas instead!

19 - Pilate has Jesus flogged to satisfy them, but they use every leverage point they have with Pilate to get Him crucified.  They crucify Him, but don't break any bones, which fulfills prophecy.  Joseph and Nicodemus bury Him.

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