

Galatians is both an important message, and one that needs qualification.  There are plenty of OT laws that God still wants us to follow.  Faith should lead us to do so, as James 2 says.  But Paul had the requirement of circumcision in mind throughout this letter - we should not insist Christians keep the ritual law: clean foods, feast days, and circumcision.  We should trust God's promise in Christ for His favor, not any of our keeping of ritual or moral law.

Here's a short blow-by-blow of each chapter.

Galatians 1 - I'm shocked that you are leaving the Gospel I taught you so soon.  Don't listen to them!  My message came directly from Jesus.

2 - When I went to the apostles with Titus, and the Judaizers pressed for him to be circumcised, the apostles agreed with me.  I even corrected Peter in front of the church when he caved to them once.  They key is that we are justified by faith in Christ, Jew and Gentile the same, not by being circumcised or any such thing.  We died to the law's demands with Christ at the cross, and now He lives in us.

3 - You can't finish by works what you started by faith.  Believing in Jesus by faith makes you a son of Abraham.  Relying on your law-keeping lacks faith, which is how the blessing of Abraham comes.  The law didn't annul the promise to him - it was given for a time, to restrain sin, until the promise was fulfilled in Christ.

4 - we are no longer under the law, but adopted sons of God.  Why go back?  I’m worried about you!  We are not children of Hagar (law – old Israel), but of Isaac (promise – Jerusalem above).

5 – if you accept circumcision, you’re trusting the law, not Christ, and have fallen from grace.  Use your freedom to love each other.  Live by the Spirit, bearing His fruit, rejecting the sinful desires of the flesh and its fruit.
6 – help each other when you sin, and seek to bear your own burdens.  Give to those teaching you, and those in need, and it will bear fruit.  The Judaizers are boasting in how many of you they can circumcise; I boast only in the cross of Christ.  Peace upon the latter, the true Israel of God!

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