
1 Samuel 1-8 - Bible Notes

1. Text summary
2. How is Christ in the text?
3. Application

Samuel's Birth - Chapter 1
1. Elkanah and Hannah don't have children.  Hannah prays at the temple for one.  Eli the high priest misreads her, but then blesses her.

2. Jesus is also born of a woman.  Simeon recognizes Jesus (Luke 1:), where Eli does not recognize Samuel.  

3. There is a time for a husband to submit to his wife's spiritual insight.

Hannah's Song - Eli's Wickedness - Chapter 2
1.  Hannah sings of God's victory over the strong and rich, raising the poor and weak.  Eli's wicked sons despise God's sacrifices.  Eli rebukes them, but doesn't stop them.  A prophet rebukes Eli for the same, and prophesies the replacement of his house as priest by another.

2.  Jesus lifts up the poor and brings low the rich.  He comes to replace the Levites as Israel's priest.

3. From our vantage point, we need to continue in faithfulness to God or He will condemn us.  From the perspective of God's decrees, He never loses or removes His people from His loving favor.

Samuel's Call - Chapter 3
1. God calls Samuel, but Samuel thinks it's Eli.  Eli doesn't get it, either.  When Samuel responds to God as he should, God says the same thing against Eli as in the last chapter.  Eli makes sure to get the message.

2. Jesus hears and does God's word immediately and fully.

3. We need to read and respond to God's Word more, and more completely.

Ark Captured - Chapter 4
1. The Philistines defeat Israel in battle.  They capture the ark, and Eli's sons are killed.  Eli hears the news and dies.  His daughter-in-law gives birth, and calls the child "glory has departed" - Ichabod.

2. Many seek to use Jesus as a talisman, a good luck charm.  But he (like the ark) is not to be used thus.  Doing so will bring about our ruin.

3. Don't use God in your desperation.  Make a habit of submitting to Him each day, so when the hard times come, it's easier to trust Him.

The Ark among the Philistines - Chapter 5
1. The ark wreaks havoc wherever it goes in Philistia.

2. Jesus brings judgment and punishment wherever He is rejected.

3. Don't try to escape God's judgment by specious ways - sending an ark to another city, for example.

Seeking atonement - Chapter 6
1. Philistines return the ark to Israel with a guilt offering.  Israel irreverently looks in the ark and some are struck down by God. 

2. Jesus is the true sacrifice for sin that the world is looking for, though they usually fashion their own sacrifices from what they understand. 

3. Awareness of our sin before God, and seeking to fix it is a good start.  But we need to hear the specific message of Jesus as the solution to our God problem. 

Victory through Intercession - Chapter 7
1. Samuel calls Israel to put away their gods and idols.  The Philistines attack but due to Samuel's intercession Israel defeats them.

2. Jesus intercedes for us against our spiritual enemy, and gives us the victory.

3. In our trouble we need to turn to the right place for help: God's appointed mediator and interceder.

Wanting a King - Chapter 8
1. Israel, seeing Samuel's sons aren't fit to lead them, asks for a king.  God tells him to warn them how oppressive a king will be.  Up to 10% income tax rates!!

2. Jesus is our king!

3. It's better to accept God's governance than to make up our own.  Later chapters make clear that Israel asks for a king so they will be stronger militarily.

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