
Jesus Our Rescuer - Judges 1-5 - Bible Notes

Chapter 1
1. Judah conquers almost all their land.  Many other tribes don't.
2. Jesus is our leading conqueror.
3. Some of God's people are stronger spiritually than others.  Some compromise more with worldliness than others.

Chapter 2
1. God judges Israel: the remaining Canaanites will afflict them, since they didn't drive them out.  Joshua dies and the next generation doesn't know God (!).  They serve Baal, so God lets them be defeated.  He gives them judges to spare them in part, but Israel rejects them, too.
2. When Jesus enters the promised land, ascending to glory, He deals with His people in a similar way.  Where we forsake God, He will challenge us with cultural decay, persecution, or military incursion, all meant to turn us back to Him.

Chapter 3
1. Othniel, Caleb's younger brother is the first judge.  Then Ehud, who kills Eglon, king of Moab.  Then Shamgar.
2. Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of these judges, so save Israel from their enemies.
3. In certain situations, deception in military tactics is called for.  Separately, leaders are always needed for God's people, whatever the unique moment they are in.

Chapter 4-5
1. Israel defeats Canaanites with Deborah's leadership.  Jael kills their commander.  A song blessing the leaders, Deborah and Barak, those who followed them into the fight, and Jael.  And rebuking the tribes that didn't come out.
2. Jesus faces tepid and cowardly leaders in His kingdom, too.  He leads them.
3. In our feminist days, we are prone to absolutely condemn Barak for his unwillingness to lead.  It is fascinating that the song blesses Israel for following Barak, too (verse 15).  He is not rebuked after 4:9.  There is grace for us, after we falter or compromise.

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