
Jesus in Judges? - Judges 6-10 - Bible Notes

1. Text summary
2. How is Christ in the text?
3. Application

Chapter 6
1. Midian oppresses Israel, because of Israel's sin.  God calls Gideon, the weakest clan of a weak tribe.  He asks for a sign, and God gives it to him.  God tells him to take down the statue of Baal in the town square and he does it - at night.  The Midianites attack, and Gideon calls out his tribe, and a few others.  Gideon asks for another two signs with the fleece, and God gives them.

2. Jesus arose from an obscure place to save Israel.

3. We are often unsure of God's calling, even when He makes it plain.  He is patient to give us affirmations of His calling, even when we shouldn't need them.

Chapter 7
1. God whittles Gideon's army down to 300, from 32,000.  He overhears Midianites telling their dream of their defeat, and is encouraged to attack.  He wins a decisive victory.

2. Jesus needed only one, Himself, to defeat God's enemies.  His Father gave Him assurance He would conquer, and He did.

3. We should take courage in our calling to bear witness to Jesus, regardless the intimidation tactics of the enemy.

Chapter 8
1. Strife in Israel after Gideon's victory.  Some still don't trust Gideon.  His legacy is mixed: he refuses nepotism, which is a good thing, but makes a religious relic that Israel worships.  Israel forsakes God as soon as Gideon dies.

2. Unlike Gideon, Jesus is a faithful savior, who leaves no legacy of unfaithfulness behind.

3. Don't let spiritual victories turn into defeats.

Chapter 9
1.  A bastard son of Gideon's seizes power in the vacuum, and kills 69 of his 70 brothers to take more power.  He seems willing to kill any Israelites who oppose him, and does, until a woman drops a millstone on him from a tower he is beseiging.  This is a low point of Israel's history, that David refers to when plotting Uriah's death.

2. Jesus is the opposite of this, willing to BE killed to serve His people.

3. Think through carefully the character of who you give power - who you VOTE for!

Chapter 10
1.  Tola and Jair judge Israel.  Then they forsake God again, and He lets Philistines and Ammonites oppress them.  They cry out for help, the Ammonites gather to attack, and Israel asks, "Who is the man who will begin the fight?" (vs 18).

2. Jesus is the man who began the fight!

3. There are times God leaves us to the consequences of our sin, but "His soul [cannot] endure the misery" we face - vs 16.

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