
Sacrifice for a Nation

This is Memorial Day weekend.

God puts signs all over His world that point to His truth.  One of them I believe are soldiers who give their lives in war to defend their country and its values.  This level of sacrifice is awe-inspiring.  Take stock of all the privileges and blessings God has given you in this nation.  Remember HOW God has blessed you, partly through the sacrifice of so many – at Bunker Hill, Gettysburg, Normandy.  Then consider that this is a dim reminder of the one greatest sacrifice at the cross, which brought us every spiritual blessing from God.
The analogy is far from perfect, of course.  All those soldiers didn’t want to die; JC deliberately did.  Theirs was a physical death; His took the full wrath of God against all our sin.  They fought for an earthly nation; Jesus died to redeem eternal souls.  Their motives were mixed; Jesus was without sin.
This takes nothing away from their deep sacrifice.  We forget to be thankful for their sacrifice, to not value the gift of a strong and free nation that can come from such sacrifice.  We are tempted also, to forget gratitude for Christ’s deepest sacrifice, to not value our forgiveness and God adopting us, which assuredly comes from the cross.


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