
Family Carnage for David - 1 Samuel 13-18 - Bible Notes

1. Text summary
2. How is Christ in the text?
3. Application

David's Family Horrors - 2 Samuel 13

1. Text summary
David's son Amnon rapes his half-sister.  David says nothing, so her brother Absalom plots and takes revenge.  He flees out of the country.  David gets over Amnon's death and wants Absalom back.

2. Jesus
Jesus deals justly with His house, unlike David here.
Horrific things happen in Jesus' church, as they did in David's house.

3. Application
a. Deal with the elephant in the room, or things will go very badly.
b. Taking wrongfully, sexually, results in hatred of self and/or the desired (vs 15).
c. Don't put yourself in situations where you are vulnerable to attack.

Absalom's Return - 2 Samuel 14

1. Text summary
Joab devises a plan, like Nathan's, to get David to bring Absalom back home.  It works, but when he returns, David won't see him.  Absalom is very popular and handsome, and uses it to get an audience with his father, who receives him without punishment.

2. Jesus
Jesus never offers reluctant forgiveness or partial reconciliation like David does, here.  He paid it all and welcomes us fully into fellowship with Him.

3. Application
a. Stories often help us see our own lives more clearly.
b. "Frenemies" like Joab can point out where we need to change.
c. Popularity is a political force to be reckoned with.  You ignore it at your peril.
d. There are immoral ways to force people to pay attention to you.
e. Don't forgive partway.  It isn't forgiveness to say they are forgiven but never talk to them again.

Absalom's Coup - 2 Samuel 15

1. Text summary
Absalom campaigns to be king, while David is clueless or passive.  When Absalom proclaims himself king, David flees Jerusalem, knowing Absalom has the superior force.  He prays Absalom's counsel will be thwarted, and God answers by sending Hushai to him, who is loyal to David, and to whom Absalom will listen.

2. Jesus
Jesus went INTO Jerusalem by the same Olive Mt. route on His triumphal entry.
That familial rebellion led to His death, not His escape.
He also prayed to God on Olive Mt. as rebellion and coup were imminent.

3. Application
a. There is a time to retreat faithfully, to regroup and fight later.
b. God answers prayer, especially in hard times.
c. Keep close eye on your areas of responsibility (David didn't!).

Ahithophel's Revenge - 2 Samuel 16

1. Text summary
Mephibosheth's servant lies about Mephibosheth's loyalty, to curry favor with David.  Shimei reviles David as he flees, for opposing Saul.  David rejects Abishai's desire to kill him.  Absalom follows Ahithophel's advice.  (The latter is Bathsheba's grandfather, probably with a grudge - 2 Sam. 11:3 & 23:34.)  Absalom lays with David's concubines, making clear he is taking the throne and rejecting any truce.  This fulfills God's prophecy to David in 1 Sam 12:11.

2. Jesus
Jesus knows who is loyal to Him and who is not.
Many revile Christ today, and He lets them for a time.
Many violate Christ's people today, and He lets them for a time.  Their day will come.

3. Application
a. In high-pressure situations it can be hard to see clearly, keep your emotions in check, and be fair to others.  David goofs up to take all Mephibosheth's estate from him just on Ziba's word.
b. Ahithophel wrongly avenged David for violating his granddaughter.  Be content with earthly justice, even when it is imperfect.  God had already taken David's son.

Ahithophel's Downfall; David's Chance - 2 Samuel 17

1. Text summary
Absalom listens to David's spy instead of Ahithophel, by God's direction, so Ahithophel commits suicide.  Absalom waits and gathers all Israel to attack David, giving David time to retreat and defend.  The son of Nahash the Ammonite, who Saul defeated, sends David help and food.

2. Jesus
a. Jesus had a traitor commit suicide when things didn't go his way, too.
b. In many nations, Jesus is not on the throne but on the outskirts, rallying allies and support, while His enemies hold power.
c. Many of Jesus' willing supporters today, were His enemies in the past.  Saul of Tarsus comes to mind.

3. Application
a. Don't be so proud that if your opinion isn't received highly, you kill yourself, or dive into self-pity.
b. Use times of peace wisely, as David did, to prepare for harder times.

Absalom's Death - 2 Samuel 18

1. Text summary
David's forces defeat Absalom's, and Joab kills Absalom when he could have taken him prisoner.  David had asked for gentleness to him.  Is it bad news or good news?  For David it is bad.

2. Jesus
a. Jesus dies like Absalom to preserve the nation.  But Jesus is innocent.  Good Friday is a day of grieving and rejoicing both, like this day.
b. But then, some WANTED to see Absalom (and Jesus) dead...

3. Application
a. There is a time to see your superior is motivated wrongly, and do the right thing, instead of the ordered thing.
b. There is a time for gentleness and a time for force.

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