
2 Samuel 1-6 - David Begins Well - Bible Notes

1. Text summary
2. How is Christ in the text?
3. Application

David Reacts to Saul's Death - 2 Samuel 1

1. Text summary
David gets news of Saul's death, kills the Amalekite who killed Saul, and laments his and Jonathan's death.

2. Jesus
Jesus takes the crown rightfully, from wicked rulers, too.

3. Application
It is right to honor the dead for their virtues, even when they were deeply flawed people.

Civil War - 2 Samuel 2

1. Text summary
David goes to Judah with God's guidance, and they anoint him king.  He makes an overture to Israel, too, but Saul's commander makes Saul's son king instead.  Bloody civil war breaks out.

2. Jesus
Jesus' rule is challenged by God's own people's leaders - the Sanhedrin.

3. Application
When we resist submitting to God's way, things get ugly, messy, and painful.

Peace Foiled by Revenge - 2 Samuel 3

1. Text summary
Saul's commander Abner joins David, but is killed by Joab.
David renounces the act strongly. 

2. Jesus
His people often do things against Him for their own selfish reasons.

3. Application
Don’t let revenge, greed, lust, etc. let you act against the interests of the Kingdom of God.

Asassination Rejected- 2 Samuel 4

1. Text summary
Saul's sons' raiders assassinate him to get on David’s good side.  David executes them for such wickedness. 

2. Jesus
Jesus will also reject many who claim to be serving Him, but are really in it for themselves (Matt 7).

3. Application
Don’t live by the world’s ruthless politics.  Make it better whenever you can. 

David Rules Israel Well - 2 Samuel 5

1. Text summary
Israel anoints David king, too. He takes Jerusalem, on the Israel/Judah border, still Philistine controlled.  Tyre recognizes David.  Philistines attack and David defeats them twice.

2. Jesus
Jesus' rule will be honored by all the kings in the end.  He fights and defeats His enemies for us. 

3. Application
Bring people together when you have the chance, as David did Judah and Israel by establishing a new capital at Jerusalem. 

The Ark - 2 Samuel 6

1. Text summary
David brings the ark to Jerusalem but moves it on a cart instead of how God said to in the Bible.  God strikes down a man who tries to steady it.  David waits three months and then tries again doing it the right way.  David’s wife Michael doesn’t like his leadership style but David leads people well and gives food. 

2. Jesus
He leads His people into God’s presence to worship Him, and feeds them. 

3. Application
Make SURE you worship God how He wants. Sometimes this conflicts with normal (Michal's) expectations.

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