

Getting things in order around the house, we found pictures to scan. Our new home is number 4 for Sara and me. This farmhouse, stop number 2, was easily the quietest of the 4. Sifting through our stuff, we found old journals of ours from when we were dating, when we dreamed of living in a farmhouse on a quiet road, with big trees and a hammock. We attained our dream early, and have now moved on to other things.

And here is daddy working on his next sermon...

Here is Isaiah with a new present one spring. Note his flawless stance and hand position on the bat. Yep, he's a lefty.

Dad and Owen absorbed in a book. Like father, like son.

This was just before the move, daddy wiped out from packing boxes.

One of my favorite pictures - this is the old church building I grew up in - torn down a few years back for more space. These are the college days of soul-searching, changing majors, etc.

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