On envy:
"Will we... destroy envy within us? Or will we allow envy to destroy our relationships and then to destroy us?.... It must not be welcomed in our hearts; it must not be pampered, nursed and fed with our pride, self-pity, resentment, bitterness, and ingratitude."
On anger:
"The media loves to display this anger as a way to capture our attention and increase their ratings: two talking heads on the divided screen screaming at each other. Beware: do not feed on the toxic anger of our popular culture.... When you're listening to the radio, or watching the news, and you're hearing all the angry commentary about what's going wrong in America, and it gets all those chemicals churning around in your brain, and you feel yourself getting angrier and angrier and angrier, remember: be "slow to anger, for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness God requires" (James 1:20)."
Genevan matchmaking
1. Calvin played matchmaker a lot in Geneva, taking many personal hits for making recommendations against someone or other's child's particular suit.
2. Calvin recommended that couples get to know one another before committing to marriage. "Love requires previous acquaintance." This is of the "whoa, slow down, there, young buck" variety. But he made wedding plans for himself before meeting a potential bride. It fell through, and he was discouraged. Then he married someone else 2 months later.
3. Geneva had strict rules about getting married within 6 weeks of being engaged, to avoid "the perilous interval," as Chesterton called it. Those who delayed were admonished publicly by the session, and eventually "compelled to celebrate" marriage. Pre-marital sex was eventually censured publicly by not allowing flowers at the ceremony, and by announcing the sin at their wedding ceremony! Whoa.
1-2 Thessalonians
1 - Thanks for your faith, hope and love in Christ
2 - I gave you the Gospel with integrity. You received it as from God.
3 - I sent you Timothy, fearing your wavering in affliction, but you are faithful
4 - Be holy; love each other; hope in the resurrection for those who have died
5 - Christ's return will be a surprise, so stay awake and work
2nd letter
1 - God will judge those who afflict you now, when Christ comes
2 - Christ won't come until the lawless one does; God chose to save you
3 - pray for our deliverance from evil; warn as brothers the idle
2 - I gave you the Gospel with integrity. You received it as from God.
3 - I sent you Timothy, fearing your wavering in affliction, but you are faithful
4 - Be holy; love each other; hope in the resurrection for those who have died
5 - Christ's return will be a surprise, so stay awake and work
2nd letter
1 - God will judge those who afflict you now, when Christ comes
2 - Christ won't come until the lawless one does; God chose to save you
3 - pray for our deliverance from evil; warn as brothers the idle
Acts 15-19
15 - Jerusalem council decides Gemtlies are in by faith - keeping Mosaic law not required,; Paul and Barnabas want to go visit the churches they started, but they separate over John Mark
16 - Paul takes Timothy as a disciple; on to new ground in Philppi; Lydia converted; Paul and Silas jailed; earthquake; jailer believes; Paul released
17 - opposition at Thessalonica; more reception at Berea; preaching in Athens
18 - On to Corinth, tentmaking with Aquila and Priscilla. Jews reject, but many believe. Jesus tells Paul to stay and he does for 1.5 years. Then back home to Antioch, while Apollos strengthens Greek Christians.
19 - Back to Ephesus, Paul baptizes 12 disciples, spends over 2 years there healing and exorcising, and sends helpers into Greece (this ministry is very like Jesus'). Riot in Ephesus.
16 - Paul takes Timothy as a disciple; on to new ground in Philppi; Lydia converted; Paul and Silas jailed; earthquake; jailer believes; Paul released
17 - opposition at Thessalonica; more reception at Berea; preaching in Athens
18 - On to Corinth, tentmaking with Aquila and Priscilla. Jews reject, but many believe. Jesus tells Paul to stay and he does for 1.5 years. Then back home to Antioch, while Apollos strengthens Greek Christians.
19 - Back to Ephesus, Paul baptizes 12 disciples, spends over 2 years there healing and exorcising, and sends helpers into Greece (this ministry is very like Jesus'). Riot in Ephesus.
Fun ride
Food for Kids
Galatians 1-6
1 - Paul is concerned the Galatians are turning from the Gospel. False teachers be damned!
1-2 - Paul isn't pleasing men. He gives his biography to show he isn't under the other apostles. They added nothing to his ministry, but confirmed it. He even had to rebuke Peter once.
2 - We are justified and live by faith in Christ, not by trying to keep the law
3 - Abraham believed God's promise. We live the same way as Abraham's children. The law convicts us of sin, and Jesus redeems us from its curse. The law cannot give or make us righteous.
4 - You are a son and heir of God because Christ took the curse of the law for us. Why go back to being a slave? You latched on to me and my gospel at first but now you spurn me. We are children of the free grace covenant mother Sarah, not the law-bondage covenant mother Hagar.
5 - if you trust circumcision, you don't need the cross. Don't use your freedom to hurt, but to heal each other. Spirit and flesh fight each other. Be led by Spirit, not flesh.
6 - circumcision zealots are in it for the PR. Don't give in. Boast only in the cross.
1-2 - Paul isn't pleasing men. He gives his biography to show he isn't under the other apostles. They added nothing to his ministry, but confirmed it. He even had to rebuke Peter once.
2 - We are justified and live by faith in Christ, not by trying to keep the law
3 - Abraham believed God's promise. We live the same way as Abraham's children. The law convicts us of sin, and Jesus redeems us from its curse. The law cannot give or make us righteous.
4 - You are a son and heir of God because Christ took the curse of the law for us. Why go back to being a slave? You latched on to me and my gospel at first but now you spurn me. We are children of the free grace covenant mother Sarah, not the law-bondage covenant mother Hagar.
5 - if you trust circumcision, you don't need the cross. Don't use your freedom to hurt, but to heal each other. Spirit and flesh fight each other. Be led by Spirit, not flesh.
6 - circumcision zealots are in it for the PR. Don't give in. Boast only in the cross.
1 - ask God for wisdom; the poor are rich and the rich poor; resist temptation; do the Word, don't just hear it
2 - don't be partial to the rich; faith without works won't save you
3 - control your tongue; be peaceable, not envious and selfish
4 - deny your pleasures; humble yourself; don't boast
5 - the rich have done wrong and need to repent; be patient and pray
2 - don't be partial to the rich; faith without works won't save you
3 - control your tongue; be peaceable, not envious and selfish
4 - deny your pleasures; humble yourself; don't boast
5 - the rich have done wrong and need to repent; be patient and pray
Acts 7-14
7 - Stephen recounts Israel's history, rebukes their unbelief, and is stoned
8 - Church persecuted; Phillip evangelizes Samaria and Ethiopian eunuch
9 - Saul converted-preaches in Damascus and Jerusalem; sent to Tarsus
9 - Peter heals and raises Dorcas to life
10 - God brings Peter to preach to Cornelius; Spirit falls even on Gentiles!
11 - Peter reports to Jerusalem; Barnabas sent to growing church in Antioch
11 - Barnabas calls Paul to help; Antioch sends aid to Jerusalem
12 - James martyred; Peter rescued from prison; Herod killed by God
13 - Saul and Barnabas sent west to preach Christ; Sergius Paulus converted
13 - Saul changes name to Paul; preaches in western Antioch - conflict
14 - On to Iconium: more growth & conflict; stoned at Lystra; back home
8 - Church persecuted; Phillip evangelizes Samaria and Ethiopian eunuch
9 - Saul converted-preaches in Damascus and Jerusalem; sent to Tarsus
9 - Peter heals and raises Dorcas to life
10 - God brings Peter to preach to Cornelius; Spirit falls even on Gentiles!
11 - Peter reports to Jerusalem; Barnabas sent to growing church in Antioch
11 - Barnabas calls Paul to help; Antioch sends aid to Jerusalem
12 - James martyred; Peter rescued from prison; Herod killed by God
13 - Saul and Barnabas sent west to preach Christ; Sergius Paulus converted
13 - Saul changes name to Paul; preaches in western Antioch - conflict
14 - On to Iconium: more growth & conflict; stoned at Lystra; back home
Worked-over stones
1 Pet 2.4-5: " Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, 5 you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."
The picture is that we are a temple, made of stones. Jesus is the cornerstone, with the right shape and position. All the rest of the stones follow His pattern. He is the master builder, who knows what is needed in each stone. He knows your deeds, your faithfulness and your failings. So He is chiseling and sanding away on each of us. It is the sin in us that keeps us from fitting together well as His temple, and that prevents pure sacrifice to God. Let us admit to Him that we don’t meet the design specifications and return to the shop for further work. We do this not so we can be the best stone on the worksite, but so we can fit well with our neighboring stones, bringing harmony, joy, beauty and true worship offered to God.
Acts 1-6
1 - Wait for the Spirit. Jesus ascends to heaven. Judas replaced
2 - Spirit comes. Peter preaches Christ. 3000 repent, believe & fellowship
3 - Peter heals a lame beggar, and preaches Christ again
4 - Peter and John arrested. Peter preaches Christ to Sanhedrin
4 - Apostles forbidden to preach Christ, released & pray for boldness
5 - Ananias and Sapphira die lying to the Spirit. Apostles heal and preach
5 - Tension between Sanhedrin and apostles defused by Gamaliel
6 - Apostles appoint deacons to administrate. Stephen preaches and is accused
2 - Spirit comes. Peter preaches Christ. 3000 repent, believe & fellowship
3 - Peter heals a lame beggar, and preaches Christ again
4 - Peter and John arrested. Peter preaches Christ to Sanhedrin
4 - Apostles forbidden to preach Christ, released & pray for boldness
5 - Ananias and Sapphira die lying to the Spirit. Apostles heal and preach
5 - Tension between Sanhedrin and apostles defused by Gamaliel
6 - Apostles appoint deacons to administrate. Stephen preaches and is accused
The high doctrine of Mr. Cranky
Check out this Spurgeon excerpt here.
A taste, and summary:
"I would not find half a fault with their doctrine if it were not for their spirit"
A taste, and summary:
"I would not find half a fault with their doctrine if it were not for their spirit"
Part of maturing is responding well to people who judge you as immature.
Especially if it's for real immaturity in your past.
Especially if it's for real immaturity in your past.
This changes that
Doug Wilson, on Halloween and voting, a couple weeks ago...
"There is no problem with giving candy to the kids who come to your door tonight. Go ahead, enjoy yourself, and bless their evening. There is no problem with going to the polling place this Tuesday and casting a responsible Christian vote. That is your civic duty, and a great privilege.
"But it is no sacrament. The world is being actually transformed here [in worship, at the Lord's Table]"
The Spirit transforms, unifies
The most overlooked thing in our understanding of God and Communion, is not a thing at all, but a person, the Holy Spirit. He is the unifier, the go between, God’s ambassador to us here. While the firstfruits of our flesh is in heaven, God’s Spirit is with us. We believe the Lord truly feeds our souls with the body of Christ, in this meal. We also believe Christ’s body is not physically the bread and wine, for He is in heaven. So how does this feeding take place? By the mysterious power of the Holy Spirit. Thank Him today for drawing you to Christ, for enlivening you to want Christ, for uniting you with Jesus, so that your souls can be fat and satisfied with Christ.
This happens as we worship Him, and the order of our worship is like the order of our salvation.
Call to believe = call to worship
Call to confession = conversion, repentance, faith
Justification = declaration of pardon
Sanctification = hearing God’s Word
Glorification = Communion7/11/10
A new heart, for God's sake
Ezekiel 36:31-32 - "Then you will remember your evil ways and your deeds that were not good; and you will loathe yourselves in your own sight, for your iniquities and your abominations. 32 Not for your sake do I do this,” says the Lord GOD, “let it be known to you. Be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel!”
Notice two things in these two verses.
First, We loathe ourselves and our sins. This is repentance, and nothing less will do than to hate our sin and fling it from us like a greasy oil rag. But in the context of the passage, we do this AFTER we have been given a new heart. As you are repentant of your sin, be grateful that God has given You a new spirit in your heart to be so repentant.
Second, God doesn’t do this for our sake, but for His name. The nations look on and see a nation no different than them, so they blaspheme God’s name and count him as no greater than other gods. But we are to be holy because He is holy. We confess our greatest desire is to glorify God’s name, while at the same time clinging to sins, grudges and grumbling, that drag his name into the dirt.
Sharp as knives
Heavenly Father, Your Spirit moved men to write these words. They are from Your will, and so they are without error. Wicked men seek to distort them; we seek to be fed by them. Please feed and strengthen us by these precious words. Even more than being without error, Lord, these words are alive and powerful, sharp as knives. As we handle them, they will cut us. But only led by Your surgeon hands. So because we trust You, we take up Your Word again, trembling to know we will not be the same afterwards. Help us trust You for that unknown future, we pray in Jesus’ name, the living Word, Amen.
Luke 19-24
19 - Jesus restores Zacchaeus; parable of talents to teach we are to be faithful when He is gone. Triumphant entry into Jerusalem, hailed as King, hailers rebuked by Pharisees, but Jesus refuses to stop them, but instead opposes temple transactions (oppressed the people).
20 - Jesus and Jews spar. They question His authority, and try to trap Him. He refutes and rebukes them.
21 - Jesus is impressed with the proportionally great sacrifice of a poor widow. Others are impressed with great buildings and huge donations. Jesus speaks of the temple's destruction.
22 - Judas seeks to betray Him. Jesus transforms Passover, and urges His disciples to humble service and support of each other in coming hard times. Prayer and arrest in Gethsemane. Peter denies Him as Jesus is tried and condemned.
23 - Jesus tried before Pilate, condemned, crucified, and buried.
24 - Jesus' body is gone Sunday morning, angels preach the gospel. Disciples amazed. He appears to Peter, and to two going to Emmaus, then to all 12. He assures them He is alive, eats in front of them, teaches them, and ascends to heaven. The disciples worship Him there, and go back to worship Him in the temple.
20 - Jesus and Jews spar. They question His authority, and try to trap Him. He refutes and rebukes them.
21 - Jesus is impressed with the proportionally great sacrifice of a poor widow. Others are impressed with great buildings and huge donations. Jesus speaks of the temple's destruction.
22 - Judas seeks to betray Him. Jesus transforms Passover, and urges His disciples to humble service and support of each other in coming hard times. Prayer and arrest in Gethsemane. Peter denies Him as Jesus is tried and condemned.
23 - Jesus tried before Pilate, condemned, crucified, and buried.
24 - Jesus' body is gone Sunday morning, angels preach the gospel. Disciples amazed. He appears to Peter, and to two going to Emmaus, then to all 12. He assures them He is alive, eats in front of them, teaches them, and ascends to heaven. The disciples worship Him there, and go back to worship Him in the temple.
Luke 14-18
14 - Parables of the kingdom; the cost of discipleship
15 - Parables about found and forgiven sheep
16 - Wealth is to serve the kingdom, not to be sought for itself
17 - Forgiveness, duty, gratitude, and steadfastness to the end are hallmarks of the kingdom
18 - Pray persistently and humbly, coming to God as an infant not trusting in your own riches. Bartimaeus does all this and is healed.
15 - Parables about found and forgiven sheep
16 - Wealth is to serve the kingdom, not to be sought for itself
17 - Forgiveness, duty, gratitude, and steadfastness to the end are hallmarks of the kingdom
18 - Pray persistently and humbly, coming to God as an infant not trusting in your own riches. Bartimaeus does all this and is healed.
Oh, and Egypt is now America
Bread in Egypt
by Toby Sumpter
"Joseph provided bread for Israel in Egypt. In fact, Joseph provided bread for most of the surrounding world in Egypt.
"It would not be hard for Israel to slip into seeing the systems and culture of Egypt as the source of Yahweh's provision of this bread (which is partially true), and from there, it is only a short step to mistaking Egypt as the source of bread rather than Yahweh.
"Thus, when Yahweh orders Israel to leave the leaven of Egypt behind, He is insisting that He is the One who provides bread for Israel. God can rain bread and meat out of heaven and cause water to gush out of rocks if He wants. And sometimes He uses obvious means (like a prosperous nation) to provide for His people. But either way it is Yahweh who provides bread for Israel, and in so far as Israel comes to trust in Egypt for bread, they are idolaters."
by Toby Sumpter
"Joseph provided bread for Israel in Egypt. In fact, Joseph provided bread for most of the surrounding world in Egypt.
"It would not be hard for Israel to slip into seeing the systems and culture of Egypt as the source of Yahweh's provision of this bread (which is partially true), and from there, it is only a short step to mistaking Egypt as the source of bread rather than Yahweh.
"Thus, when Yahweh orders Israel to leave the leaven of Egypt behind, He is insisting that He is the One who provides bread for Israel. God can rain bread and meat out of heaven and cause water to gush out of rocks if He wants. And sometimes He uses obvious means (like a prosperous nation) to provide for His people. But either way it is Yahweh who provides bread for Israel, and in so far as Israel comes to trust in Egypt for bread, they are idolaters."
Luke 11-13
11 - Jesus teaches how to pray, and to pray persistently. He casts out Satan, gives Jonah as a sign of judgment on those rejecting Him, and rebukes Pharisees for emphasizing less important external things, adding many regulations to the law, and approving of persecuting the prophets while claiming they themselves would not have done so in the past.
12 - Jesus warns against the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, the deceitfulness of riches, and the anxieties of life. "Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." So stay faithful and watchful for His return.
13 - Disaster victims aren't worse sinners. Disasters are warnings to us all to repent, as God patiently waits for it. Jesus heals a woman on the Sabbath, crippled for 18 years. The way into the kingdom is narrow; many who think they are in will be surprised at the last day. Jesus will complete His mission on the 3rd day in Jerusalem, but that city will be desolate for her treatment of Him.
12 - Jesus warns against the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, the deceitfulness of riches, and the anxieties of life. "Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." So stay faithful and watchful for His return.
13 - Disaster victims aren't worse sinners. Disasters are warnings to us all to repent, as God patiently waits for it. Jesus heals a woman on the Sabbath, crippled for 18 years. The way into the kingdom is narrow; many who think they are in will be surprised at the last day. Jesus will complete His mission on the 3rd day in Jerusalem, but that city will be desolate for her treatment of Him.
Luke 8-10
8 - Parable of the sower; Jesus calms a storm, casts out a demon from a Gentile, heals a 12-year medical problem, and raises a 12-year old from death.
9 - Jesus sends out the 12 apostles. When they return He feeds 5000, with 12 baskets left over. (What's up with the number 12?) Peter confesses Jesus as Christ; He foretells His death and resurrection, and calls for self-denial. Jesus transfigured, and casts out another demon, but again foretells His death. Disciples don't get it, but argue who is the greatest and want to call down fire on Samaritans. But as one greater than Elijah, Jesus' followers' cost of following Him is higher.
10 - Jesus sends out the 70, rebukes cities that reject Him, rejoices at God's revelation of Himself to the simple, tells the Good Samaritan parable to show who and how to love, refuses to rebuke Mary for listening to Him instead of serving.
9 - Jesus sends out the 12 apostles. When they return He feeds 5000, with 12 baskets left over. (What's up with the number 12?) Peter confesses Jesus as Christ; He foretells His death and resurrection, and calls for self-denial. Jesus transfigured, and casts out another demon, but again foretells His death. Disciples don't get it, but argue who is the greatest and want to call down fire on Samaritans. But as one greater than Elijah, Jesus' followers' cost of following Him is higher.
10 - Jesus sends out the 70, rebukes cities that reject Him, rejoices at God's revelation of Himself to the simple, tells the Good Samaritan parable to show who and how to love, refuses to rebuke Mary for listening to Him instead of serving.
Luke 5-7
5 - Jesus calls disciples, heals a leper, connects His healing power to His authority to forgive sins, and contrary to Pharisees says He came to celebrate recovering lost sinners.
6 - Jesus "works" and heals on the Sabbath. Jesus chooses twelve disciples, blesses the suffering and curses the rich, calls us to love enemies, to give without expecting a return, to not judge unless we're ready to be judged by the same standard. A good heart brings good deeds. So do what I say, and you will stand in the flood.
7 - A centurion shows faith in Jesus' authority. Widow's son raised from death. Johndoubts Jesus, who affirms his ministry. Their generation has rejected them both. A sinful woman loves Jesus much, while His Pharisee host loves Jesus little.
6 - Jesus "works" and heals on the Sabbath. Jesus chooses twelve disciples, blesses the suffering and curses the rich, calls us to love enemies, to give without expecting a return, to not judge unless we're ready to be judged by the same standard. A good heart brings good deeds. So do what I say, and you will stand in the flood.
7 - A centurion shows faith in Jesus' authority. Widow's son raised from death. Johndoubts Jesus, who affirms his ministry. Their generation has rejected them both. A sinful woman loves Jesus much, while His Pharisee host loves Jesus little.
Luke 1-4
1 - Gabriel foretells John's birth to Zechariah in the temple. He doesn't believe and is mute.
Mary. She believes, visits Elizabeth (who blesses her) and rejoices that God has kept His promises to Abraham. Zechariah regains his speech when he publicly names his child John as the angel said. He rejoices like Mary that God has delivered Israel as He promised Abraham. He foretells that John will go before the Christ.
2 - Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, announced by angels to shepherds. His redeeming work foretold by Simeon and Anna in the temple. Jesus shows wisdom in the Law at 12 years of age.
3 - Years later, John baptizes in the desert, gives ethical guidance to various types of people, and announces Jesus' arrival, baptizing Him. His geneology, through Mary, through David's son Nathan.
4 - Satan tempts Jesus away from the Father; He is rejected in Nazareth, but heals and preaches in several cities.
Mary. She believes, visits Elizabeth (who blesses her) and rejoices that God has kept His promises to Abraham. Zechariah regains his speech when he publicly names his child John as the angel said. He rejoices like Mary that God has delivered Israel as He promised Abraham. He foretells that John will go before the Christ.
2 - Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, announced by angels to shepherds. His redeeming work foretold by Simeon and Anna in the temple. Jesus shows wisdom in the Law at 12 years of age.
3 - Years later, John baptizes in the desert, gives ethical guidance to various types of people, and announces Jesus' arrival, baptizing Him. His geneology, through Mary, through David's son Nathan.
4 - Satan tempts Jesus away from the Father; He is rejected in Nazareth, but heals and preaches in several cities.
Mark 12-16
12 - Jesus tells the parable of the tenants: the Sadducees are the tenants opposing God's servants and Son! They try a public relations move, asking if the people should pay taxes to Rome. They are to give Rome its due, and God His. The Sadducees then mock the resurrection to Jesus' face, and He refutes them with God's own self-description from the Pentateuch, the only books of the Bible they accepted as authoritative. Then a Pharisee asks which commandment is greatest, and Jesus shows His agreement with their basic theology (!). But Jesus shows from Psalm 110 that Messiah will be greater than David. Scribes rebuked; poor widow commended.
13 - Jesus predicts the temple's destruction. The disciples ask when, and Jesus tells them what will happen to them before that, and in the temple right before its fall. No one knows when, but it will happen before this generation dies, so stay awake.
14 - the Jews plot to kill Jesus after the feast. Jesus anointed with costly perfume. Judas agrees to betray Him. Passover prepared; Betrayal predicted; Communion instituted. They go out to Olive Mt, and He predicts their scattering and His resurrection again. He prays for the cup to pass by Him; they sleep; His arrest; their flight. Jesus remains silent before conflicting accusations, on trial before the Sanhedrin, but acknowledges He is the Christ when asked directly under oath. They take this as condemnation, faithlessly not considering the possibility that He is telling the truth. Peter denies Jesus after He is condemned, and as the rooster crows.
15 - The Jews accused Jesus before Pilate, who finds nothing wrong with Him, is amazed at His silence, and amused the Jews are afraid of His kingship. Soldiers mock, beat and crucify Jesus. Jews and passersby mock. God forsakes Jesus. He dies as Mary and Mary watch from a distance. Buried by Joseph of Arimathea
16 - Angels announce the resurrection to the women at the tomb. Those that hear don't believe at first, but Jesus tells them to "proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." He is taken up into heaven and the apostles go preach.
13 - Jesus predicts the temple's destruction. The disciples ask when, and Jesus tells them what will happen to them before that, and in the temple right before its fall. No one knows when, but it will happen before this generation dies, so stay awake.
14 - the Jews plot to kill Jesus after the feast. Jesus anointed with costly perfume. Judas agrees to betray Him. Passover prepared; Betrayal predicted; Communion instituted. They go out to Olive Mt, and He predicts their scattering and His resurrection again. He prays for the cup to pass by Him; they sleep; His arrest; their flight. Jesus remains silent before conflicting accusations, on trial before the Sanhedrin, but acknowledges He is the Christ when asked directly under oath. They take this as condemnation, faithlessly not considering the possibility that He is telling the truth. Peter denies Jesus after He is condemned, and as the rooster crows.
15 - The Jews accused Jesus before Pilate, who finds nothing wrong with Him, is amazed at His silence, and amused the Jews are afraid of His kingship. Soldiers mock, beat and crucify Jesus. Jews and passersby mock. God forsakes Jesus. He dies as Mary and Mary watch from a distance. Buried by Joseph of Arimathea
16 - Angels announce the resurrection to the women at the tomb. Those that hear don't believe at first, but Jesus tells them to "proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." He is taken up into heaven and the apostles go preach.
Mark 9-11
9 - Jesus is transfigured, casts out a demon, and predicts His death and resurrection. In response, the disciples argue about who is the greatest. Jesus tells them not to stumble anyone, and to go to any extreme to get rid of sin.
10 - Jesus teaches that divorce was allowed for our hardness of heart. Jesus blesses little children, since the kingdom of God is made up of such. Jesus tells a rich young man who wants to please God that he must sell all he has and follow Jesus. It is hard for the rich to put Jesus first. Jesus again predicts His death and resurrection, and this time in response James and John ask for the two highest positions in His kingdom! Gentiles lord it over each other, but we must serve each other. Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus in Jericho.
11 - Jesus enters Jerusalem on a colt, to crowds shouting for the coming of David's kingdom. The next day Jesus curses a fig tree going into the city, He cleanses the temple, and going out the disciples notice the fig tree withered. By faith, prayer, and forgiveness, the unrighteous will totter and fall. Jesus' authority challenged, but His accusers cannot even refute John's divine mandate in public.
10 - Jesus teaches that divorce was allowed for our hardness of heart. Jesus blesses little children, since the kingdom of God is made up of such. Jesus tells a rich young man who wants to please God that he must sell all he has and follow Jesus. It is hard for the rich to put Jesus first. Jesus again predicts His death and resurrection, and this time in response James and John ask for the two highest positions in His kingdom! Gentiles lord it over each other, but we must serve each other. Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus in Jericho.
11 - Jesus enters Jerusalem on a colt, to crowds shouting for the coming of David's kingdom. The next day Jesus curses a fig tree going into the city, He cleanses the temple, and going out the disciples notice the fig tree withered. By faith, prayer, and forgiveness, the unrighteous will totter and fall. Jesus' authority challenged, but His accusers cannot even refute John's divine mandate in public.
How not to relate to our culture. Hate, celebrate, separate or legislate?
I've had this paragraph sitting around for a while.
On the cultural and political setting in the first century, as Jesus came on the scene...
On the cultural and political setting in the first century, as Jesus came on the scene...
Some of the Jews, called Zealots, said, give us liberty or give us death. They hated Rome's ungodliness so much they would rather die than have to live with it. And they used the sword to advance the kingdom.
Others, the temple leaders, the Sadduccees, said Rome isn’t the enemy. They are our friend. So what if we have to have their statues up and we sprinkle incense to an emperor? Look at the roads, the baths, the running water, the tax revenue that goes through us to Rome. Eat drink and be merry!
Well, other Jews, the Essenes reacted strongly to that. Look how corrupt Israel has become. We’re starting over. And they headed for the desert to live separately and strictly, believing that their obedience would bring God’s blessing and King.
And finally there were the Pharisees who said, yes, our faithfulness will bring God’s Messiah, but we don’t have to do that in the desert; we can live in a sinful world and not be tainted by it. It’ll take a lot of strict rules, though. That is what will keep us faithful and bring in God’s kingdom.
None of these is correct as an overall view, but there are elements of truth in each. We should rather die than sin. We should celebrate cultural achievements. We should separate from corruption. We should regulate our lives by God's Word.
But above them all, we are to love God and His Christ, and love our neighbor as ourselves.
Mark 6-8
6 - rejection at Nazareth; 12 sent out; Herod haunted by reports of Jesus, remembering his execution of John; 5000 fed; Jesus walks on water and heals
7 - Pharisees object to eating without ritually cleansing. Jesus says external stuff like that doesn't make you unclean in God's sight, but the sin that comes out of you does. A gentile is healed, getting crumbs from the master's table.
8 - 4000 fed; disciples warned against Pharisees; Peter confesses Jesus is God's Christ; He predicts His death and resurrection, Peter opposes Him! Jesus calls us to sacrifice and denial in an adulterous world.
7 - Pharisees object to eating without ritually cleansing. Jesus says external stuff like that doesn't make you unclean in God's sight, but the sin that comes out of you does. A gentile is healed, getting crumbs from the master's table.
8 - 4000 fed; disciples warned against Pharisees; Peter confesses Jesus is God's Christ; He predicts His death and resurrection, Peter opposes Him! Jesus calls us to sacrifice and denial in an adulterous world.
Rappin' the Word, with the Heidelberg
Apparently at the 2010 Desiring God conference, after Kevin DeYoung (from the RCA in Michigan, my background) spoke on the Heidelberg Catechism, CJ Mahaney got up next and said he'd like to see his Christian rapper friend put it to a rap.
And he did.
Here's the result.
The lyrics are at this page, so you can read and follow along to keep up.
And he did.
Here's the result.
The lyrics are at this page, so you can read and follow along to keep up.
Something you didn't know about me
I can play the organ.
So here's a short satire piece on the organ by "Stuff Christians Like" that caught my eye.
Check out my reply, a few scrolls down...
So here's a short satire piece on the organ by "Stuff Christians Like" that caught my eye.
Check out my reply, a few scrolls down...
Our enemies to fight
"There are three great enemies against which God's children should daily pray: pride, worldliness, and unbelief."
JC Ryle, Expository thoughts on the Gospels, v 1, pg 157.
JC Ryle, Expository thoughts on the Gospels, v 1, pg 157.
Colson on the election
Shameless repost...
The Great 'Now What?' Thoughts on the Election November 03, 2010 I confess: I'm a political junkie. And I don't know about you, but I'm pooped. I was up very late watching the election returns, doing radio interviews, chatting on line with visitors to the Colson Center website. Major events are always fascinating to watch-and last night was no exception. It signaled a major sea change in the mood of the American people. They are tired of the government spending money like a drunken sailor. They are tired of government getting its hooks into every area of national life. But whether you are sweeping up after the celebration or drying your tear-soaked pillow, we Christians ought to be asking ourselves: Now what? Well, let's put first things first. I will be on my knees, begging God to have mercy on this country and on His Church. And we should pray for our newly elected representatives and senators. Indeed, today is a good day to remember the words of the apostle Paul: "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness" (1Tim 2:1-3). And heaven knows our leaders will need our prayers. That's because the fiscal crisis before us is positively staggering. A few months ago, Harvard historian Niall Ferguson warned that America's soaring debt has placed the country's preeminence, power and global prestige at the "edge of chaos." The threat Ferguson pointed to should be obvious to everyone. Unfortunately, what's even more obvious is that our political system seems incapable of doing anything to avert this calamity. If you are hoping that yesterday's election results will make that much of a difference, you hope in vain. The Republicans certainly don't have the votes to enact any massive government spending cuts: their program would almost certainly be filibustered in the Senate or vetoed by the president. And, besides, neither they nor the Democrats are leveling with the American people about what is needed to get our fiscal house in order. Two-thirds of the federal budget is mandatory spending: entitlements and service on the debt. More than half of the remaining one-third goes to defense. The remaining fourteen percent is what the average person thinks of as "federal spending." But even if you got rid of the whole thing-homeland security, food inspectors, the national parks, the FBI, etc.-we would still add nearly five trillion dollars to the debt over the next ten years. And a divided government will not be able make the very painful decisions that need to be made. This sets us up for two more years of political battles leading up to the next presidential election. Well, that might be good for the folks who write the ads, and it might be good for the talking heads and for the political junkies, but as for the rest of it, I think most Americans are pretty well tired. But if the government continues to be deadlocked as I suspect it will be, then all the more must the Church bear witness to the truth, to love and care for our neighbors and those in need, to speak out on behalf of human life, traditional marriage, and religious freedom. In other words, this is the time for the Church to rise up and really be the Church. |
Mark 1-5
1 - John comes as Elijah, baptizing and announcing Jesus' coming. Jesus is baptized, tempted, moves to Galilee, calls disciples, teaches in the synagogue, casts out a demon, heals many more, and His fame spreads.
2 - Jesus asserts by healing that He has power to forgive sins. He calls and eats with Matthew, the tax collector and His friends. This offends the Pharisees, but Jesus came to save such people. Fasting doesn't fit with Jesus' presence. Jesus doesn't need to follow man-made rules about Sabbath, as He is its Lord.
3 - Jesus heals on the Sabbath, contrary to the Pharisees' teaching. They oppose Him; He withdraws and picks 12 apostles. Pharisees say Jesus is demonic; He counters that then Satan would be against Satan. Jesus' mother and brothers come to take Him away, but His family is those who do God's will.
4 - parables about the kingdom received (sower), revealed (lamp), reproducing (seeds). Jesus calms the storm.
5 - Jesus casts a legion of demons from a gentile, heals a woman who hemorrhaged for years, and raises a girl from death.
2 - Jesus asserts by healing that He has power to forgive sins. He calls and eats with Matthew, the tax collector and His friends. This offends the Pharisees, but Jesus came to save such people. Fasting doesn't fit with Jesus' presence. Jesus doesn't need to follow man-made rules about Sabbath, as He is its Lord.
3 - Jesus heals on the Sabbath, contrary to the Pharisees' teaching. They oppose Him; He withdraws and picks 12 apostles. Pharisees say Jesus is demonic; He counters that then Satan would be against Satan. Jesus' mother and brothers come to take Him away, but His family is those who do God's will.
4 - parables about the kingdom received (sower), revealed (lamp), reproducing (seeds). Jesus calms the storm.
5 - Jesus casts a legion of demons from a gentile, heals a woman who hemorrhaged for years, and raises a girl from death.
Matt 25-28
25 - be prepared and productive while the master/bridegroom is away. When He comes, He will separate the sheep from goats, based on their deeds to the poor (the fruit of faith).
26 - Chief priests and Judas conspire to arrest Jesus. Mary anoints him with expensive perfume. They celebrate Passover with His betrayal and His blood sacrifice for our forgiveness on our mind. Jesus predicts the disciples' flight, prays for this cup to pass by Him, prevents violence, and is arrested. He stresses that He is a prophet, not a rebel. Sanhedrin condemns Him, Peter denies Him.
27 - Judas' suicide. Pilate tries Jesus, finds no fault but condemns to placate the Jews. soldiers beat, ridicule and crucify Jesus. Body buried and sealed in tomb by His enemies.
28 - Mary and the guards encounter an earthquake and angels, announcing Christ's resurrection. He meets the disciples and sends them to Galilee, while the Jews cover up the incident. Jesus sends the worshiping disciples to disciple all the nations by baptizing and teaching them His commands.
26 - Chief priests and Judas conspire to arrest Jesus. Mary anoints him with expensive perfume. They celebrate Passover with His betrayal and His blood sacrifice for our forgiveness on our mind. Jesus predicts the disciples' flight, prays for this cup to pass by Him, prevents violence, and is arrested. He stresses that He is a prophet, not a rebel. Sanhedrin condemns Him, Peter denies Him.
27 - Judas' suicide. Pilate tries Jesus, finds no fault but condemns to placate the Jews. soldiers beat, ridicule and crucify Jesus. Body buried and sealed in tomb by His enemies.
28 - Mary and the guards encounter an earthquake and angels, announcing Christ's resurrection. He meets the disciples and sends them to Galilee, while the Jews cover up the incident. Jesus sends the worshiping disciples to disciple all the nations by baptizing and teaching them His commands.
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