
Scripture Credenda/Agenda

Exodus 15

Credenda: after a beautiful, majestic song of praise to our great God who fights for us against our enemies, Israel complains to Moses 3 days later because they have no water. What a roller coaster life can be sometimes, from highs to lows in a matter of days. Life isn't all peaches and cream, even after God redeems us from bondage to our sin.

Agenda: I'm not underestimating the dire need Israel was in. How would YOU do after 3 days with no water, and then you come to some but it's bitter? Yikes! I used Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 27-28 in church Sunday: thanks to God's providence, "we can be patient when things go aginst us, thankful when things go well, and for the future we can have good confidence in our faithful God and Father that nothing will separate us from his love." This gives us some ballast as we face the curveballs God can throw at us. Are we trusting His wisdom, power and providence?

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