
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life

Spiritual Disciplines – Whitney

I listened to this book, getting a free download from www.christianaudio.com

Very much in line with Richard Foster's book, it is a review of individual piety in Bible reading, prayer, worship, evangelism, serving, stewardship, fasting, silence and solitude, journaling, and learning. Whitney is careful to avoid obvious legalistic pitfalls, and gives good practical advice on each subject. But I found some of his subjects a stretch, especially getting Biblical support for journaling. He follows Foster closely, especially bookending the discussion with an affirmation of needed discipline. Several of the disciplines can be combined. The author suggests a daily early morning time of Bible reading, prayer, meditation, and journaling. Given our cultural norms, protests of legalism over this are hardly warranted in most cases. We would all do well with a little more discipline in our lives, as long as the goal is joyful godliness, not pride in our own efforts or expectations of favor with God because of them.

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