
Palm Sunday Praise

Thank You Father, for opening the gate of righteousness that takes us to You.  Thank You for Jesus Christ Your Son who is the door. Though the builders rejected you, Lord Jesus, you are the one stone that sets the whole building straight.  Lord you make every day for us to rejoice and be glad in, but you refer us especially to the Lord's Day, when You raised Him from death. We rejoice not simply in a new day, or fair weather, but in your work through Christ. We cry out hosanna, asking you to save us from certain condemnation for our sins. You are the deliverer from bondage to sin, the King who rides on in majesty, the prophet who judged his unbelieving people, the priest and lamb who offered up a perfect and pleasing sacrifice to God for our sin. we praise you as the triumphant one who has cast out the ruler of this world. As the new Jerusalem, we receive you gladly. You take us to yourself each week in worship, by the spirit. Let us worship you with reverence and fear, with joy and gladness.


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