body matters. This is why Jesus gave us
a reminder of Him that involves basic body action – eating and drinking. The point isn’t just to give us a potent
reminder of Him. It also helps our
faith. In the upper room after the
resurrection, Jesus eats some fish and honey to help the disciples believe it
is really Him.
the purpose of the Lord’s Supper goes beyond even remembering and helping our
faith. We begin now what will continue
in glory. We will sit down at His table
in the regeneration, with Abraham and Moses, Esther and Paul. And we will eat and drink and enjoy. It is called the marriage supper of the
Lamb. The biggest Thanksgiving turkey,
Easter Ham, Christmas feast and wedding reception all rolled into one that there
ever was.
will sit down purified from every defilement.
Not indulging ourselves but being satisfied in Christ. The junk and immorality that we crave now
won’t be there, or will be cleansed. Our
senses will be trained to desire and enjoy the best, the right. And the best and the right thing for us above
all is the Lord Jesus Christ, for whom we were made. You belong to Him. Your body and spirit were made for Him. Only He can lead you and cleanse you and feed
and rest on Christ alone today.