
2 Chronicles 36

Egypt deposed Josiah's son after only 3 months on the throne, and made his brother Jehoiakim king.
Babylon carried him off captive after 11 years of reigning.
His 8 year old son Jehoiachin reigned for 3 months, when Babylon invaded again, and made his brother Zedekiah king.
Zedekiah and all the rulers and people so thoroughly rebelled against Babylon and God that"there was no remedy" (vs 463).  They were destroyed and exiled until Persia was established by Cyrus.  He let Israel go back and rebuild the temple.

How this is about Jesus
Jesus told Pilate that he wouldn't have authority to kill Him unless it was given him by another (John 19:11).  Likewise, these last Judean kings were obviously not in control of political events in their land.

I have on my desk a little camera roll case with ashes and burned wheat, from a city gate in Galilee around the time of this exile.  It serves as a reminder of the destruction God brings when we reject Him.

The call to go up, back to Zion is the last verse in the Jewish order of the Old Testament books.  There is an expectation of restoration, hope and worship.

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