
Hebrews 10

The temple sacrifices couldn't take away sin for good.
When Jesus comes with a body prepared, it's to do away with the need for temple sacrifice (Psalm 40:6-8).
Temple sacrifices are repeated daily, which shows their inability to actually atone.  Jesus did it once and sat down, done.

So we enter God's presence by the new way, the new blood of Jesus.  So draw near with a clean conscience, full assurance, and strong hope.  Keep meeting together.

Don't go back to the temple or to sin, or you won't have a sacrifice left to atone for you.  Don't spurn the Son of God and trample His blood that way!  You suffered with great zeal at first.  Endure to the end and don't shrink back.

How this is about Jesus
He is our effective and final sacrifice.

As fallible people we can wimp out after starting a good thing.  We need help to keep up and finish well the faith we start!

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