
Luke 7

Jesus heals a Roman centurion's servant.  The centurion knows Jews aren't supposed to enter Gentile homes, and believes Jesus can heal without doing so.  Jesus also raises a man back to life from the dead.  This results in fear, glorifying God, and spreading Jesus' popularity even more.

John sends to ask if Jesus is really the Messiah.  (He probably doubts because John remains in prison.)  Jesus responds by healing people in front of John's messengers, and validating John's ministry of announcing Him.

A Pharisee invites Jesus to eat, but a woman with a reputation shows up the Pharisee in treating Jesus more like people should.  Because she has much to be forgiven for, while the Pharisee seems to be trying to treat Jesus as just another teacher like them.


  • Do we believe Jesus can heal our hurts?  From heaven?  With no Benny Hinn like exciting experience for us to woo over?
  • Do we come to Jesus and interact with Him fervently and ardently, as those who have much to be forgiven?  Remembering that He is the one to forgive?  Or do we just admire His sacrifice (what a man) or His teaching (what wisdom)?

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