

Listen up drunkards of Israel, for the wine and grain will be taken away from you.
A nation is coming up against you, and your fields will be laid waste, so gather together and repent.

The army coming against you is dreadfully effective at destruction.
But gather and everyone repent, and God may have mercy.
He will restore the grain and wine and pour out His Spirit on Israel.

I will judge the nations for scattering Israel in exile, selling them as slaves for a pittance.
It'll be a time for fighting, and Yahweh will roar like a lion.
God dwells in Zion, so wine and milk will flow in Judah.  The nations that laid her waste for her shedding of innocent blood will be judged in turn, and God will dwell in Zion again.
And she shall have peace.

How this is about Jesus
He is the lion of the tribe of Judah, who roars and restores His people.  He comes to judge them, but also calls us to repent and promises restoration.
Peter quotes 2:32 in Acts 2, applying it to Jesus.  Whoever calls on the name of Jesus will be saved (Acts 2:21ff).

There are decisive moments in the affairs of nations, when rulers decide to exploit or protect God's people.  God judges these decisions.
Every individual is called to repentance and promised restoration in the name of the Lord.

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